Leveling Up 1:1 Meetings

Take your 1:1 meetings

❌ FROM: "We've got a lot going on; let's skip our meeting this week."

✅ TO: "Our 1:1 meeting is one of the most productive meetings of the week."

Here are five ways to improve your 1:1 meetings with your direct reports today:

1. First, you set the tone.
If you go in scattered, the meeting will be scattered. If you go into the meeting purposefully and focused, it has a better chance of being effective.

2. Listen.
If the 1:1 meeting is an opportunity to learn about your direct reports' capabilities and learning edges, you have to leave a lot of space for them to show you what they've got. Listen more than you talk and seek to understand.

3. And share about you!
Your team is looking for ways to connect with you, understand you, and learn about what is important to you. Help them by sharing anecdotes to provide context about the work -- and about you as a human being.

4. Use an Experimental Mindset.
Customize your approach to each direct report. Consider their core values, hopes, workload, and tenure, and work together to create a meeting that supports both of your needs. How can you use this meeting to demonstrate an understanding of what they need to do their best work?

5. Consistent Messaging
For some, the 1:1 meeting is their closest tie and connection point to organizational strategy. Use a consistent message across all of your 1:1 meetings that week to clarify or amplify important communications and drive alignment to organizational goals.

Are you ready to level up your 1:1 meetings? Let’s connect about how coaching can benefit you and your organization. Email me at julie@coreyjamison.com.

Julie Bush specializes in working with leaders and teams to develop ways of working that improve team alignment, cohesion and results. She is a sought after coach of leaders across many levels of experience, and over a wide range of industries. Specializing in the opportunities and challenges facing emerging leaders, Julie helps people navigate the world of work, plan a career path, and integrate the aspects of a robust and rewarding personal and work life. Julie has worked with leaders and teams in organizations that range in size from Fortune 100 to start-ups.

Corey Jamison Consulting offers leadership team alignment, custom training and leadership development, and executive coaching.

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