Looking to advance? Know your leader and your landscape.  — Corey Jamison Consulting

Looking to advance? Know your leader and your landscape. 

Know your leader. 

Start with curiosity. Ask about their leadership journey, their hopes, their concerns. Learn what is important to them about “the work” and how to best do that work together. Relationships are forged by getting to know people … as people. 

(And if you’re not curious about your leader right now, just start asking questions and you’ll probably get curious.)

Know your landscape. 

Adopt an enterprise-wide view. Demonstrate your capability to see the organization as a whole by continuously connecting the work you are doing to both your manager’s and your organization's bigger pictures. Ask yourself, “How does my work align with my manager’s priorities? With our organization's goals?” 

The more you take an enterprise-wide view, the more your manager and the organization’s leadership will want to hear from you.


Let’s connect.

We periodically send emails with insights on leadership, team alignment, organizational transformation and more.