You want the people you lead, the team members in your leadership care, to treat their well-being with respect? You lead the way. When it comes to overdoing it, what you say matters little compared with what you do, what you model, how you lead.
We know you have important work to do today. And that you are doing it with people who are relying on you to lead them through the complexity of doing hard work.
At a certain level, leadership is 90% leading human beings and 10% managing/improving processes. It is ALL about people, interactions, and creating a safe space for people to do their highest, best work.
If your first sentence as a leader of people about differences, equity, and inclusion include the words “do, doing, or done,” then you’re having the wrong conversation.
Complex times require complex solutions. We want quick; we want to do something, to say we did something. Training is right there within reach; it’s accessible and sounds good—a balm that functions as a band-aid.
We are living in a time of some multiple truths. This is both a defining moment for your leadership and a time when you do not have to be perfect. Truth, fallibility, the courage to be wrong, and the willingness to grow and learn and change—these mark a leader people trust and want to follow.
I am writing this to you with hope that it is useful, that it helps spur you to action, to use your voice, your privilege, your resources and power for change.